
Love it? Share it. Earn it!

Earn FREE products and half off all of your faves. Now that’s what we call getting rewarded!

Get Started Now

When you help share any of our products with your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers— seriously, anyone—you can earn free products and big discounts!

WHY? Because every time you help equip and empower someone, you enable us to continue our global efforts to provide housing, hope and a voice to girls rescued from sex trafficking. LEARN MORE >

Why Host?

Nice Rewards

Earn up to 20% of your event’s total retail in free credits & shop up to 6 items half-off!

Oh, So Easy!

Online, at a coffee shop, in your living room—hosting an event is fun and flexible!

Full Support

Your Safety Educator is there to help you every step of the way!

Pay It Forward

Help equip, empower and educate those you care about.

Give Back

Help us give survivors a home, hope for the future and a voice.

Connect with a Safety Educator to get started!

Empower Hour

It’s time to unleash the fun! Whether you’re creating a Facebook event, catching up on a virtual call, inviting your tribe over for a girl’s night, or just showing the product to your bestie, your event can be as simple or elaborate as you make it! And, don’t worry, your SAFETY EDUCATOR can help you with any details.

Hosts have all the fun… and get all the perks!

$500 in party sales means $75 in Hostess credits & 3 half-price items

Connect with a Safety Educator to get started!